the Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator

EPOS is a software package to simulate observations of exoplanet populations. It provides an interface between planet formation simulations and exoplanet surveys such as Kepler, accounting for detection biases in transit and radial velocity surveys.



Use EPOS to calculate:

  • Planet occurrence rate distributions (notebook)
  • Planetary system architectures (notebook)
  • Synthetic observations of planet formation models
  • Planet populations in radial velocity surveys
  • Binned planet occurrence rates


EPOS is written in Python 3 and hosted on github.

The quickest way to install epos is via pip:

pip install epospy

License / Attribution

Copyright 2018 Gijs Mulders

EPOS was developed as part of the of the Earths in Other Solar Systems project, a NASA/NExSS program

Please cite the papers the two EPOS papers (Mulders et al. 2018; 2019) if you use epos. You can also cite the github repository directly

Version Notes:

1.0.1:first public release
1.0.2:pip installable version
1.1.0:radial velocity without Monte Carlo
2.0.2:planet formation models ImageLink

Indices and tables